Cook Islands Early Learning Centre, Mangere

Ta'i Tamaiti Turanga Rangatira

Kia tiratiratu toku turanga Kuki Airani, na roto i tōku reo, tāku peu e tāku akano’anga.

About Ta'i Tamaiti

For a number of years, a total immersion early learning centre has been a dream for Cook Islands NZ families. It was a priority highlighted by communities across NZ in the inaugural Cook Islands national strategy 2012 – 2015.

 Through funding provided by the Ministry of Education NZ, a 60 children facility now stands in Mangere.

Our Mission

That I am confident and competent in my Cook Islands identity, and heritage through my reo, culture and traditions.

Kia tiratiratū tōku tūranga Kūki Airani, nā roto i te kite’anga i tōku reo, tāku peu e tāku ‘ākano’anga.

Our Vision

The child competently knows their language, culture, & Cook Islands ways of being, that the child is proud of their heritage and identity during their formative years, progressing into a bright productive future.

Kā kite meitaki te tamaiti i tōna reo, tana peu e te ākono’anga Maori Kūki Airani. Kia ngākauparau katoa ‘aia i tōna turanga Maori, mei tōna tupu’anga mai. Kia riro ‘aia ‘ei tūpa’upa’u no te tuātau ki mua.

Ministry of Health Guidelines

At our centre families provide a lunch box for their child. We encourage parents to provide food that meets the guidelines below. Please discuss with us if you would like further information.

Reducing Food Related Risks

Ministry of Education require us to provide this document on ‘Reducing food related risks’ for all families enrolling in Early Learning Services. We highly recommend you read and review.